Next generation Due Diligence

Our transaction apps give you powerful tools, no matter whether you run your due diligence the traditional way based on documents, or whether your process is fully digitalized and data-centric. 

Our classical VDR is super easy to use and fast to set up by yourself, and equipped with everything you expect when dealing with sensitive information. But the real power of our data-driven platform is the industry’s first and only virtual "data room" which puts data in focus, not documents.

Due Diligence

Overcome Due Diligence Challenges

Organize, manage, and execute an accelerated due diligence process.


Orchestrate experts

Due diligence is often characterized by silo thinking where each discipline strives for optimization within its own domain instead of improving the efficiency of the entire transaction. This enormously increases the time, effort, and cost of coordinating, processing and managing your project. Utilize our Due Diligence Apps to overcome these problems and keep team members aligned and focused on their goals.


Information Flow

Resolve information asymmetry by ensuring that all parties are provided with complete, correct, and current data. Include your stakeholders who want to keep abreast of the current status of the transaction. Only good data enables the best decisions.



A growing regulatory framework is calling for bullet-proof risk management. Violations of laws can lead to extraordinary expenses that can destroy the value of a transaction, especially when you end up in litigation with your transaction partners. Fully compliant documentation of data and decisions is essential to keeping you safe after your transaction.


Improve efficiency by up to 50%

It is time to take the document room to the digital age and transform it into a data room.

Virtual Document / Data Room

Digital Workspace / Playbook

Digital Platform

Related Apps

Digitalized Due Diligence

Digitalized Due Diligence

The next-generation Due Diligence App. Rather than collecting documents, build custom web forms to get the most precise answers to your data requests. Documents can be attached wherever necessary. Working with structured data rather than documents is a significant efficiency boost. Furthermore, this data can be seamlessly transferred to the integration phase. The App offers a suite of online collaboration tools, including permissions controls, workflows, status, and changes tracking.

Smart Virtual Data Room (VDR)

Smart Virtual Data Room (VDR)

Having a secure place to exchange and store your confidential documents is always a must-have in every transaction. Our Smart Tresor is easy to use and fast to set up VDR, which integrates seamlessly with other Apps of the smart M&A platform suite. The App comes with permission controls, document previews, historicization, index management, and archive functions.

M&A Playbook

M&A Playbook

M&A Playbook is the ultimate online guidebook and project management tool for M&A Management. It's a comprehensive, always up-to-date online documentation of all important work steps, structured by chapters. PlaybookApp can be linked with Project management Apps, allowing you to connect with project risks, findings, issues, or evensynergies in context. You can also link it to a virtual data room (VDR), making information sharing and collaboration easier than ever before.

Digitalize your M&A

Let us optimize the way you manage your M&A


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